Tutti i servizi

Lo scrigno magico

Non facciamo i miracoli , ma ci impegniamo con tutto il cuore

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Make a donation:

Our IBAN: IT55U0103023001000001472494 in the name of LO SCRIGNO MAGICO – SOCIETY COOPERATIVE

How much do you recover

Donations to NGOs can be deducted from income tax or deducted from income. Based on your income situation, one or the other option may be appropriate.

Where do you point them out

Depending on the choice you have made, you must indicate the expense in box E by filling in alternatively:

  1. in line from E8 to E10 with code 61, donations to non-profit organizations, humanitarian, secular or religious initiatives, managed by associations, foundations, committees and entities identified with the D.P.C.M, in countries not belonging to the Organization for Cooperation and Development economic (OECD), to deduct 26% of the amount paid, for a maximum of 30,000 euros;
  2. in line E8 to E10 with code 71, donations to non-profit organizations and social promotion associations registered in the national register, to deduct 30% of the amount paid, for a maximum of 30,000 euros;
  3. in line E36, donations to ONLUS, voluntary organizations and social promotion associations, to deduct expenditure within the limit of 10% of the declared income.


Via Rovereto, 7, 27029 Vigevano PV